I have no words for what has been happening in the past few days... It's sickening, heart-breaking and it makes me ashamed of even being associated with that level of disgrace. By denying Ukrainians their national identity, Putin also strips it off Russians. I feel so powerless. I studied diplomacy and international relations in college, so it literally breaks my heart to see how in this day and age in the so-called civilized world, war is still an option.
You don't resolve conflicts with war, you only start them. It is the biggest failure of diplomacy.
I'm so sorry this couldn't have been prevented, and I'm praying for peace.
My heart goes out to all those affected by these tragic events.

Also, this overwhelming amount of misinformation on Internet made me think of this quote:

”People will try to adjust their beliefs to simultaneously maximize the alignment of those beliefs with facts and maximize their emotional comfort. It's almost like a mathematical equation. The greater the emotional discomfort (cognitive dissonance) a fact presents, the harder we will work to rationalize it away.”